Tips For Having A More Energy-Efficient Thanksgiving Holiday

Tips For Having A More Energy-Efficient Thanksgiving Holiday
Tips For Having A More Energy-Efficient Thanksgiving Holiday

Consumers across the U.S. are facing higher-than-expected energy rates. In fact, electricity and natural gas prices in some parts of the country have more than doubled since this time last year. If you live in Pennsylvania in the PPL Electric service territory, then your PPL rates are set to increase by almost another 20% in December alone!

So, with the Thanksgiving holiday approaching tomorrow, we thought we would put together some energy saving tips to keep in mind so that you do not feel this holiday in your electricity bill. Here are some tips for having a more energy-efficient Thanksgiving holiday...

Be Mindful Of The Refrigerator

Your refrigerator uses a lot of electricity when it is not handled properly. If you are cooking at home this holiday, try removing all of the items you need at once instead of constantly opening the fridge. Opening and closing the refrigerator door consistently can cause your compressor to turn on more than usual and waste electricity.

Another great tip is to make sure all of your leftovers are cool before placing them in the refrigerator. Putting hot food in the fridge will cause it to work over time in order to keep the proper temperature.

Turn Down The Heat When You're Cooking

If you're a regular Thanksgiving chef, then you know that the kitchen can get hot with all of that cooking going on! Another great tip for reducing some energy consumption this holiday is to turn down your thermostat when the oven is running. Depending on the size of your home and the location of your kitchen, the heat from the oven could be enough to heat the home temporarily while you cook. This can save you a few hours of extra strain on your heating system, and depending on the type of heating you have, could save you lots of dollars in energy costs.

Be On The Lookout For Black Friday Deals From Energy Suppliers

Just like regular retail stores, electricity suppliers often create special black Friday offers for customers looking for a lower electricity rate. For our customers in Texas, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, energy suppliers are known for putting their best foot forward to give you a deal that could save you money! If you live in a deregulated state where utility rates are rising this Winter, another surefire way of lowering your energy bill is to sign up for a cheaper electricity rate with a supplier. 

Ask An Energy Expert

If you have questions about your utility bill or would like to discuss ideas for saving money on energy costs this Winter, it's best to contact an expert. Our team of energy advisors has decades of combined experience lending helpful advice to our customers. Contact us to learn more.