How to Lower Your Electric Bill: Best Practices to Save Money on Your Electric Bill

How to Lower Your Electric Bill
How to Lower Your Electric Bill: Best Practices to Save Money on Your Electric Bill

Energy prices are rising, making it crucial for individuals and businesses to find how to lower electric bills. Did you know the average household electricity consumption in the U.S. is over $1644 annually? Reducing your electric bill can save money and lead to a more sustainable lifestyle.

Learning to save on your electric bill can be challenging, and you may need help knowing where to begin. For this reason, we prepared this guide, where you will learn practical and effective strategies for saving on your electric bill. Whether you're a homeowner in a deregulated state like Texas or a business owner looking to cut costs, these best practices will help you manage your energy consumption more efficiently.

Understanding how to save money on electric bills is essential for financial health and minimizing your carbon footprint. Adopting simple changes and leveraging technology can significantly reduce energy costs without sacrificing comfort or convenience. From energy-efficient appliances to smart thermostats, we'll cover a range of tips you can implement immediately.

By the end of this blog, you'll clearly understand how to lower your electric bill and adopt sustainable practices that benefit your wallet and the planet. Let's dive into these actionable tips and start saving today.

Get a personalized electricity plan for your home and business

Get a personalized electricity plan for your home and business

Understanding Your Electric Bill

To effectively learn how to save money on your electric bill, you first need to understand its applicable charges. Your electric bill can be broken down into several components, each crucial to your monthly utility expense.

Breakdown of an Electric Bill

Your electric bill typically includes several key components. While these components can vary depending on your specific electricity provider and their plans, there are often some common elements in your bills. The following are the components that typically appear on an electricity bill.

  • Supply Charges: The cost of the electricity you use is measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh).
  • Delivery Charges: The cost of transmitting and distributing electricity to your home or business.
  • Taxes and Fees: Additional charges added by local and state governments.
Understanding Your Electricity Bill Understanding Your Electricity Bill

Common Terminologies

Familiarizing yourself with common terminologies on your bill is another step towards adequate savings. Here are some key terms to look out for:

  • Kilowatt-hour (kWh): This measures your energy consumption. It's the unit used to determine how much electricity you've used.
  • Peak Demand: Times when electricity usage is highest and more expensive.
  • Energy Factor: A measure of the efficiency of an appliance, especially water heaters and air conditioners.
  • Supply Charge: The cost of the electricity you use.
  • Delivery Charge: The cost of transmitting and distributing electricity to your location.

Deregulated Vs. Regulated Markets

You can choose your electricity provider if you live in a deregulated state like Texas. Deregulated markets allow multiple providers to compete, often resulting in better electricity rates in Texas and service options for you. In contrast, regulated markets have a single provider, which can limit your options. 

Understanding whether you are in a deregulated or regulated market is essential for maximizing your savings. For instance, electricity rates in Houston — a deregulated market — are often lower compared to a city like Alabama, where the prices are relatively higher.

Best Practices to Lower Your Electric Bill

Reducing your electricity bill involves adopting smart habits and technological upgrades. Here are the top 20 best practices for saving on your electric bill.

Best Practices to Lower Your Electric Bill Best Practices to Lower Your Electric Bill

Conduct an Energy Audit

An energy audit is a significant first step to identify areas where you can save energy. You can hire a professional auditor to thoroughly inspect your home or business, identify inefficiencies, and recommend improvements. Alternatively, you can use a DIY energy audit tool online to conduct a preliminary assessment. 

This process will highlight key areas like insulation, HVAC systems, and lighting where you can make changes to improve energy efficiency and reduce your electric bill. Conducting an energy audit enables you to understand how electricity bills work and identify inefficiencies.

Switch Electricity Providers

If you live in a deregulated market like Texas, shop around for the best electricity rates and plans. Deregulation allows multiple providers to compete for your business, often resulting in better rates and more service options. The lower electricity rates in Dallas and other deregulated cities result from such competition. 

Moreover, tools like allow you to compare offers from different providers and choose a plan that fits your needs and budget. You even have the option to search for various providers and their electricity rates by ZIP code using these advanced tools.

You should choose the best time to shop for electricity to get the most cost-efficient deal for your household or business energy needs. Besides that, you should also learn how to switch electricity providers to make the process smooth and efficient.

Switch to Energy-efficient Appliances

Replacing old appliances with energy-efficient models is a significant step toward lowering your electric bill. Appliances with the ENERGY STAR label meet strict efficiency guidelines set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 

They use less electricity while maintaining high performance. Consider upgrading your refrigerator, washing machine, dishwasher, and other major appliances to save energy and reduce costs over time. Though there may be an upfront cost, the long-term savings and environmental benefits are also high.

Switch to Energy-efficient Appliances Switch to Energy-efficient Appliances

Install Programmable Thermostats

Installing programmable thermostats can lead to significant savings by optimizing your home's heating and cooling system. These devices allow you to set specific temperatures for different times of the day and automatically adjust when you're not home or asleep. 

For example, you can program your thermostat to lower the temperature at night or during work hours and raise it just before you wake up or return home. It ensures that your HVAC system operates efficiently without wasting energy.

Find the best electricity providers and plans in your state

Find the best electricity providers and plans in your state

Insulate Your Home Properly

Proper insulation is crucial for maintaining a consistent temperature in your home, reducing the need for heating and cooling. Check your attic, walls, and floors for adequate insulation. Upgrading insulation can prevent heat from escaping during the winter and keep your home cooler in the summer. This results in less use of your HVAC system and lower energy bills.

Seal Leaks and Drafts

Air leaks around windows, doors, and other openings can significantly impact your home's energy efficiency. Use weather stripping or caulk to seal these gaps and prevent drafts. This simple fix can reduce your heating and cooling costs by ensuring that your conditioned air stays inside and unconditioned air remains outside. Additionally, consider using draft stoppers for doors and window film to add an extra insulation layer.

Upgrade to LED Lighting

LED bulbs are much more energy-efficient than traditional incandescent bulbs. They use up to 75% less electricity and can last up to 25 times longer. Replacing all your old bulbs with LEDs can lead to an immediate reduction in your electricity bill. LEDs are available in various colors and brightness levels, making them suitable for any lighting need. Moreover, they generate less heat, which can also help reduce cooling costs in the summer.

Optimize HVAC Systems

Regular maintenance of your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems is essential for efficiency. You must clean or replace filters periodically, schedule annual professional check-ups, and ensure the sealing and ducts work correctly. An optimized HVAC system runs more efficiently, providing better temperature control with less energy.

Utilize Smart Power Strips

Smart power strips detect when devices are not in use and automatically cut off power, preventing energy waste from electronics in standby mode. Many electronic devices, such as TVs, computers, and game consoles, consume energy even when turned off. These power strips eliminate this "phantom load" by shutting down power to these devices when you are not using them.

Take Advantage of Natural Light

Use natural light during the day to reduce the need for artificial lighting. Open curtains and blinds to let sunlight in, and arrange your furniture to maximize light distribution. This will save energy and create a more pleasant and healthy environment in your home. For spaces that don't receive much natural light, consider installing skylights or light tubes to brighten the area without additional electricity.

Tips to Save Energy Tips to Save Energy

Use Ceiling Fans Wisely

Ceiling fans can help circulate air, making your home feel more comfortable in the summer and warmer in the winter. In summer, set the fan to spin counterclockwise to create a cooling breeze. In winter, reverse the direction clockwise at a low speed to push warm air down from the ceiling. But remember to turn off fans when you leave the room, as running them in empty rooms wastes energy.

Adopt Solar Power

Consider installing solar panels to generate electricity and minimize your reliance on the grid to lower your electric bill over time. While the initial investment can be substantial, many states offer incentives, rebates, and tax credits to offset the cost. It is also worth noting that Texas energy deregulation allows consumers to sell back excess electricity from renewable sources, reducing overall energy costs.

Implement Energy-saving Habits

Energy-saving habits like turning off lights when you leave a room, unplugging chargers/electronics when not in use, and using appliances efficiently can significantly impact energy savings. Encourage your household members or employees to adopt these habits. Even small changes in your household (like washing clothes in cold water) can make a noticeable difference in your electric bill.

Monitor Energy Usage

Use energy monitoring tools or smart meters to track your electricity usage in real-time. These devices provide insights into your consumption patterns, helping you identify areas where you can cut back. You can set energy-saving goals and measure your progress by monitoring your usage. Many utility companies offer apps and online tools to help you keep track of your energy consumption.

Time Your Energy Use

As an energy consumer, you must take advantage of off-peak hours when electricity rates are lower. Run your dishwasher, washing machine, and other high-energy appliances during these times. Many utilities offer time-of-use plans that charge lower rates during off-peak periods, typically nights and weekends. Shifting your energy use to these times can lead to substantial savings on your electric bill.

Consider Energy-efficient Landscaping

One of the best and most environmentally friendly ways to reduce cooling costs in the summer is to plant trees and shrubs around your home. They can provide shade, and in the winter, they can act as windbreaks, reducing heating costs. Strategically placed vegetation can also improve your home's curb appeal and increase its value. For additional environmental benefits, it is also advisable to choose native plants that require less water and maintenance.

Utilize Window Treatments

Use energy-efficient window treatments like blinds, shades, and curtains to keep your home cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Cellular shades, for instance, provide insulation by trapping air in their honeycomb structure. Blackout curtains can block sunlight and heat, reducing the need for air conditioning. In the winter, you can use insulated drapes to help retain warmth, reducing heating costs.

Opt for Energy-efficient Water Heating

Install a tankless water heater or an energy-efficient water heater to reduce the energy used for heating water. Tankless water heaters heat water on demand, eliminating the energy waste of maintaining a hot water tank. Additionally, insulate your water heater and pipes to retain heat and reduce energy consumption. Setting your water heater to 120 degrees Fahrenheit can prevent overheating while saving energy.

Opt for Energy-efficient Water Heating Opt for Energy-efficient Water Heating

Use Appliances During Off-peak Hours

Using high-energy-consuming appliances during off-peak hours is advisable to take advantage of lower electricity rates. Off-peak hours are typically during the night and early morning when electricity demand is relatively lower. Check with your utility company to determine their specific off-peak times and adjust your appliance usage accordingly.

Take Advantage of Utility Rebates and Incentives

Many utility companies offer rebates and incentives for energy-efficient upgrades. Check with your provider to see what programs are available to help offset the cost of improvements. These can include rebates for purchasing ENERGY STAR appliances, installing insulation, or upgrading to energy-efficient windows.

Compare the top electricity providers in your area

Summary of Savings

Lowering your electric bill involves understanding how electricity bills work, adopting energy-efficient habits, and making smart investments in technology. You can significantly reduce your energy consumption by conducting an energy audit, switching to energy-efficient appliances, and using programmable thermostats. 

Proper insulation, sealing leaks, and using natural light are additional steps that enhance your home's efficiency. Moreover, taking advantage of utility rebates, monitoring your energy usage, and using appliances during off-peak hours can lead to substantial savings. If you live in a deregulated market like Texas, you can use advanced tools like to switch providers and optimize your costs.

How to Lower Your Electric Bill: FAQs

What is the best way to reduce my electric bill?

The best way to lower your electric bill is by conducting an energy audit. It helps you identify where you use the most energy and where inefficiencies exist. You can either hire a professional auditor or use a DIY audit tool. The audit will provide a clear picture of areas such as insulation and HVAC systems that need improvement.

How do energy-efficient appliances save money?

Energy-efficient appliances save money by using less electricity to perform the same tasks as standard appliances. They achieve this through advanced technology and better design. For example, an ENERGY STAR-rated refrigerator uses less energy than a conventional model because it has more efficient compressors, insulation, and temperature control.

Can switching electricity providers lower my bill?

Switching electricity providers can lower your bill, especially if you live in a deregulated market like Texas. Deregulation allows multiple providers to compete for your business, often resulting in better rates and service options. You can find a provider offering lower rates by comparing electricity rates by ZIP code using tools like

What are off-peak hours, and how can they help save on electricity?

Off-peak hours are times when electricity demand is lower, typically during nights and weekends. During these periods, electricity rates are usually lower because the grid is less congested. You can take advantage of these lower rates by running high-energy appliances like dishwashers, washing machines, and dryers during off-peak hours.

How does proper insulation reduce energy costs?

Proper insulation reduces energy costs by maintaining a consistent indoor temperature, reducing the need for heating and cooling. Insulation acts as a barrier to heat flow, keeping your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. It means your HVAC system can work less. Typical areas you should insulate include attics, walls, floors, and ducts.

What are smart power strips, and how do they save energy?

Smart power strips save energy by detecting when devices are not in use and automatically cutting off their power. Many electronic devices, such as TVs, computers, and game consoles, continue to draw power even when turned off, a phenomenon known as "phantom load." Smart power strips eliminate this wasted energy by shutting down power to these devices.

Why is it important to monitor my energy usage?

Monitoring your energy usage is important because it provides insights into your consumption patterns. Energy monitoring tools or smart meters track real-time electricity use, showing you how much energy different appliances and systems consume. This information can help you set energy-saving goals, adjust your habits, and make informed decisions.

How can natural light help reduce electricity costs?

Using natural light can reduce electricity costs by decreasing the need for artificial lighting during the day. You can illuminate your home without relying on electric lights, which saves energy and creates a more pleasant and healthy living environment. You can also try installing skylights or light tubes.

What are the benefits of installing solar panels?

Installing solar panels provides several benefits, including reducing your reliance on the grid, lowering your electric bill, and contributing to sustainability. Solar panels generate electricity from sunlight, which can significantly cut your energy costs. Many states offer incentives, rebates, and tax credits to offset the initial installation costs.

How do programmable thermostats save energy?

Programmable thermostats save energy by automatically adjusting your home's temperature based on your schedule. You can set specific temperatures for different times of the day, ensuring your HVAC system operates efficiently. For example, you can program the thermostat to lower the temperature away from home and raise it just before you return.