How to Save Money on Electricity

How to Save Money on Electricity
How to Save Money on Electricity

Now, more than ever, people are looking at areas of their budget to cut costs. While some aspects of your budget may be out of control, there are some simple tricks to utilize when saving money on your electric bill.

Though energy is a must, you can make the expense more affordable. You can make a few adjustments to your consumption which in turn, can drive the cost down.

One of the easiest tasks to focus on in a deregulated energy economy is the power to choose your supplier. This can allow you to save on your energy bill.

With, we can help you navigate the complex energy market and provide insight into additional savings opportunities your business can adopt as well.

Is Your Electricity Bill Too High?

If you are wondering how to save on your energy bill, you can take several simple steps to decrease energy costs.

First, we want to evaluate your consumption. What does your daily operating schedule look like? Are you turning on and off power at the same time each day? Identifying your current schedule and understanding how you use energy is the first step in creating a solution.

In commercial buildings, there are energy efficiency opportunities you can incorporate that can lower your consumption across the board. Lighting, heating/cooling, and ventilation are all areas you can optimize that ultimately affect the bottom line in a positive manner.

Homes can come with their own set of challenges when it comes to energy usage. Identifying energy efficiency projects that may need done such as new windows, insulation, smart thermostats and updating appliances can overall help lower your electricity bill over time.

Outside of making changes to your business or home, there is a simple solution to reduce your cost if you operate or live in a deregulated energy market. To save on your electric bill’s supply charges, you need a supplier with consumer-friendly rates and the best contract agreements.

Sourcing quotes from energy suppliers can feel overwhelming. If you are unsure where to start, you have come to the right place. We analyze rates and terms each day for our clients and can help you easily navigate the energy market without making it feel complex.

How to Save Money on Your Electric Bill

Once you have signed your contract with your new retail energy provider, follow these tips to help save on your electric bill:

In Your Business

Energy consumption quickly adds up with large equipment operating over thousands of hours. Optimizing your location can be crucial to your bottom line.

  • Conduct an Energy Efficiency Audit: Your business can benefit from an energy expert analyzing your current usage and energy patterns to identify ways to reduce it. They review everything from your lighting down to your power cords to ensure that you are maximizing your efficiency and then will make recommendations for areas of improvement.
  • Implement Technology Changes: Simple changes in your workplace can make a big impact to your energy used. Everyone knows that changing out light bulbs to LED’s use less energy but there are other items that also help. Please also consider programmable thermostats.  Setting a schedule for your thermostat is simple and having the temperatures automatically adjust when your building is not occupied will have a direct impact on your kWh’s used.
  • Reduced Power: Implement ‘power-saver’ mode on your company’s laptops and desktops when not in use. If equipment is not used regularly, unplug it. Even when equipment is plugged in but off, it can still call for energy.
  • Energy Star-rated appliances: can be a way to lower your energy used because they are more efficient. It is important to also check your state government rebates because you may be able to qualify for additional money back on any purchases that qualify as an incentive.
  • Keep Up With Maintenance: Do you have a scheduled maintenance agreement in place with your HVAC company? Routine cleanings, replacements of filters, and testing of equipment can all attribute to your efficiency. If your business does not have quarterly maintenance established, it may cost you more in the long run if your units are not functioning properly. 

In Your Home

Take advantage of all the different ways you can save energy in the home. Some strategies to implement include:

  • Use a dishwasher: One of the biggest timesavers in the home is also one of the biggest energy savers. Dishwashers cut down on thousands of gallons of water each year and lower overall utility costs.
  • Programmable Thermostat: Set your thermostat to a weekly schedule. When you are at work, have the temperatures adjusted so that your AC turns on at a lower temperature and your heat turns on at a slightly higher temperature.
  • Check Appliances: Ensuring your appliances are cleaned and maintained regularly can help them work properly and efficiently. If for any reason, you need to replace them, it’s best to replace them with an energy star appliance.

Additional Tips If You Use Natural Gas

You can also comparison shop for the best natural gas rates. Learn about choosing a natural gas supplier best suited for your needs. Once you have found the right supplier, follow some of these simple tips to decrease your monthly natural gas bills. Conserving natural gas requires different steps than conserving electric energy.

In Your Business

You can lower your company's natural gas consumption by using these strategies:


  • Use a programmable thermostat: You must keep your employees or guests comfortable, but heating and cooling large spaces takes a lot of energy. You can invest in a smart thermostat that will automatically adjust the temperature according to a schedule you design. For example, during an early fall day in Pennsylvania, you may need some heat in the morning but much less heat by mid-afternoon.
  • Adjust your water heater: Something as simple as lowering the temperature of your water heater to 120 degrees Fahrenheit can aid in decreasing your natural gas consumption. If your business is not using an energy star heater, it may be worth it to analyze your costs to upgrade to one.
  • Commercial Cooking Equipment: If you’re in a business that uses kitchen equipment such as a restaurant, hotel, or caterer, it is important to maintain all equipment from everyday wear. Do you have a set schedule for cooking? Setting one would be beneficial in the long run for keeping your energy rates lower because your capacity and transmission will be better.

In Your Home

If your home runs on natural gas, take these steps to lower your energy consumption:

  • Improve weather stripping and insulation: Poor home insulation will result in lost warm air, meaning your furnace will have to work harder to keep your home at a certain temperature.
  • Keep an eye on your furnace: Change the filters in your furnace on a routine basis. Schedule professional inspections to make sure your furnace is working properly.
  • Conserve hot water: You can save a lot of money by using less hot water. Take shorter showers and only run dishwashers or laundry machines with full loads.

Switch and Save Electricity With

If your electric or gas bills are higher than you'd like, switch it up. A deregulated market means you can decide on the right supplier for you. With the tools provided by, suppliers compete for your business, driving each other's rates down, which give you the best offers and save you time and resources.Hunting for the best energy supplier on your own takes a great deal of time, effort, and technical knowledge. For this reason, many businesses and homeowners choose to utilize a third-party comparison-shopping tool like With our database of over 40 suppliers, we provide competitive instant quotes for residential and commercial customers as well as customized commercial reverse energy auctions. Just imagine requesting an individual quote from 40 different suppliers — that would take weeks of your time.

While you may think a traditional broker is a good option, keep in mind that traditional brokers only source quotes from a small handful of suppliers. Additionally, they may suggest you take the offer from the supplier that promises them the highest commission. In contrast, at, we are always transparent and present you with the best bid for you, not for us.

For a more tailored quote, we suggest a Reverse Energy Auction tool for our commercial customers. The process is simple — just provide us a bit of information about your energy needs and preferences, and we will host a supplier auction. Suppliers will be able to bid against each other in real-time, driving each other's prices down while you sit back and watch.

Though you can take action to reduce energy consumption, the best way to lower your energy bill is to exercise your freedom of choice. Find the best supplier for your home or business from over 40 options.


How to Get Started With

Getting an instant or custom quote from is quick and easy. All you have to do is decide which kind of quote you want us to source and enter some basic information. Save money on your electric or gas bill by choosing the right supplier. Let energy suppliers compete for your business —get an instant or custom quote from today.

 Looking to lower your electricity bills and save energy?